When was the last time I checked back here, a quite a bit, I have been working on the project a little bit by bit, mostly rewriting the system so it runs much better and cleans up some unneded extra bulk.
I do hope to throw a updated demo sometime soon, but not right away since it's not to where I want to get it yet.
The game was progress it? When upload the next demo? you participate in NCFC this year?
ReplyDeleteI've mostly been doing alot of polishing on it, been working on revamping some of the visuals on some of ghosts I've already made, and I've been doing a good chunk of some redesigning of some later things while I get the important things finished. But I have added a chunk of new content. I'll Try to get a new demo out soon, I do apologise since it has been taking a bit long for a new demo release, I've been a little bit busy with some real life things so it was a little hard making as much progress as I wanted. But I will get a new demo version up sometime soon, so please bare with me.
DeleteAbout NCFC, I do plan on participating this year.
I have an idea for LM2D : EN You can add a ghost that scares Luigi like in the Beta of LM , like this http://prntscr.com/45y5c9
Deletethis have best quality